Tag Archives: writer’s block

Sledgehammer to the Process…darn it!

Have joined the Book and Writers Community over @ compuserve. Thus far it seems pretty cool.

Though I have not yet made the jump into the Writer’s Workshop that it’s connected to.

The BIAM challenge went down the tubes with the arrival of a stack of papers that needed to be graded. Nothing like grading papers to halt all creative thought . Students are great…but their work is focused on non-fiction. (Maybe someday I’ll get to teach a fiction workshop style class ::fingers crossed::)

Anyhow, ScriptFrenzy is still going on. But that too seems to have been shelved.

All that being said, Jenny over at the compuserv group has set up the Muse Exercise for April. But since I dove in there at the end of March, I figured I might give the March exercise a go.

Right now…the thing that scares me the most is the Unknown…and that’s a big one as I try to figure out what to do with my life and career and this odd vibe of wanderlust that’s been bugging the crap out of me lately (I’m feeling a lot like Vianne from Chocolat when she starts to hear the winds blowing and calling).

So much for Exercise 2. How ’bout 1?

Borrowing the sentence from Caleb Carr’s The Italian Secretary:

Looking down, both my friend and I saw the ominous form of a small homemade bomb.

Staring down at the device, I felt this cold chill start at the base of my neck and spread throughout my body. First, the cold crept up to my scalp and set every strand of hair on edge with the tingling…not a good tingling mind you. That was quickly followed by the chill scrolling down my spine and out to my finger tips. Those fingers…they’d been warm earlier. Now? Now they just felt like skin colored icicles. And I couldn’t feel them. Finally, the cold shivered down past the base of my spine to my legs…and those weren’t very helpful as I just stood and stared at the small box that contained the possibility of our end.

And I swear…the first thing, the first thought that scampered across the blank screen that was my brain on bomb was “Nice shoes.” Y’know what? That was it. The very absurdity of that thought was just enough to make me move my still frozen legs towards her…sitting there, her wrists and ankles duct taped together…with that damn box sitting on her lap.

And that’s when I heard the voice behind me shout, “Stop!!!”

So there you go…

Flip through a book you haven’t read yet. Find a single sentence and write it down. Then go off on your own tangent for 10 minutes. See where you go…

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Filed under Reflections, Writing Fiction