Category Archives: Knitting

The Spinning Wheel Addiction

I confess. I am now a spinning wheel-aholic.

So far as I can tell, I just can’t help myself. The rabbit hole that I have fallen into is a deep deep one. And though I keep hoping for a white rabbit to guide me out of the hole, I find myself–albeit happily–surrounded by a crew of enablers.

These aren’t just any old spinning wheels mind you. After all, it’s not like I’m checking in with the regular providers of spinning wheels for my “fix.” Nooooo…that would be way too simple. And…really really expensive.

The first wheel was simple enough. I asked for one as part of a Christmas gift. She’s beautiful and will always be my “go to” wheel. A Kromski Sonata, a castle wheel done up in a walnut. A last present from my mom.

But now…

The wheels that I’m dealing with are the old ones. My first was an auction purchase that was just happenstance…


A Saxony spinning wheel painted black. And though no one knows why, the black on this wheel is well done.

And that’s when I discovered that the search for “new to me” wheels is a never ending one with random searches through auction house sites, ebay, Craig’s List, and so many other locations in the inner reaches of the Internet.

Most recently, I took a road trip to B’more to have lunch at the Double T diner and pick up a Canadian Production Wheel in a parking lot exchange.


And though it took a bit of patience and fiddling with, I finally got her to start spinning.


I think it’s the rush that you get when you manage to get a piece of history moving and working in a world that has seemingly left all the antiquated behind in favor of newer…faster…and modern.

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Filed under Knitting, Reflections, Spinning, Wheels

A Discombobulated Miscellany of Stuff

I’ve got a ton of things spinning around in my head right now. That’s making it difficult to focus on any one thing or other. So here they are in order of relative importance (in other words…there is no order of importance…really):

1. I’ve signed up for the Hollow Hill Ghost Hunting Course. (I can’t figure out if it’s really because I want to start huntin’ ghosties or if it’s going to wind up in my Nano novel)
2. The New England Ghost Project has finally posted a new podcast. (YIPPEEEE!!!)
3. I’ve been trying to figure out whether I want to whack my Nano novel’s murder victim over the head, trip him up then strangle him, or just have the murderer tackle him to the ground and whack him over the head with a stone from a local construction site. (Oh the thinks that you think when trying to plan the murder backstory to the Nano novel…he’s going to wind up poisoned. But I have to figure out how to get him unconscious in order to do the rest)
4. I’ve learned a new stitch thank ever so to the Yarn Harlot and the patience of a right handed knitter who allowed me to watch as she stitched the stitches a couple three times. (As a south paw knitter, my stitches are backwards…and potentially dizzying…to the right handed world)
5. Last night’s pool match. (I won! But I’m still playing one of those scratch on the 8 ball shots over and over in my head)
6. Replaying the latest Danger Kitty Adventure in which she manages to catch a squirrel by the tail only to wind up chasing the squirrel about the porch until the squirrel defies gravity and makes it to pissed and chattering freedom. DK manages to not fall off the porch railing in the chase. She’s learning.
7. Contemplating the fact that I’ve got like 5 knitting projects going and someone announced that I’ve got 12 weeks left for some of them…a couple are much closer to done than others.
8. Did I mention that I have to write an academic article for an upcoming conference presentation?? (Aaaargh!)
9. Then there’s the root canal. The only positive thing that I can think of with regards to even the idea of “The Root Canal” is:

I’m sure there’s more…but…

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Filed under Danger Kitty Adventures, Knitting, Reflections, Writing Fiction